Meteorites From
A to Z third edition
Written by Michael Jensen and William Jensen, copyright
2008, pages 288.
This book is more of a catalog of falls and finds arranged by alphabetical
order. Due to the large number of Saharan and Arabian Peninsula meteorites
there is a special section for these meteorites. Also you can look up
individual meteorite by the geographical location, and or by classification
in sperate indexs. This is a great book for shopping on the internet when
all you need is a quick look up on a perticular meteorite. Contains information
on more than 10,000 meteorites.
Falling Stars A Guide to
Meteors and Meteorites.
Written by Mike Reynolds, copyright 2001, 144 pages
As introductory book that takes you through meteors and meteorites from
observing meteor showers to listening for meteors on your FM radio, to
the different classifications, and how to start your collection. This
book is enjoyable reading, and easy to understand. For the beginner meteorite
collector or an astronomer who enjoys watching meteors, and wants to learn
more this book is highly recommended
Rocks From
Space second edition
Written O.Richard Norton, copyright 1998, 447 pages.
A must have book for every meteorite collector library. A well written
book that steps you through the beginning phase of finding and collecting
meteorites. Then it moves into how to recognize a meteorite, and the three
major types. Ending with a section on the origins of meteorites and the
parent bodies. A great advance beginners book to take you to the next
level of collecting meteorites, fulling the need for more information.
A great book for the advance beginner and the advance meteorite collector.
Written by Alain Carion. In the 37 pages Alain gives a
brief exposure to the diffferent types of meteorites - a great first book.
The Art of Collecting
Written by Kevin Kichinka, copywrite 2005, 208 pages.
Description will be for coming after I read it.